Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sem 2 Fine Art Photography Fashion Surrealism

Fashion Surrealism, the title of the project says it all. I chose trash, garbage, my idea in art is that you can use anything to create it, and that's what I did with this module as well. Trash bags, aluminium foil, filter mask and the use of the surrounding objects in an abandoned warehouse. I mounted the final printed photos on cardboard in order to support my theme even more.
Will upload some sample photos from all 3 shootings soon.  

Model: Anna Panayiotou

Sem 2 Contextual and Critical Referencing II Journal

 Journal/Sketchbook  on movements, data and info collected from lectures, the net, books, every day life. A few pages. I will post the whole sketchbook in the near, or far, future.

 (this is not from the sketchbook, it's a study on "Guernica" by Picasso)

Sem 2 Contextual and Critical Referencing II "Futurism, Surrealism, Graffiti"

Had to choose a movement. chose Futurism and Surrealism, plus Graffiti which was the only way for me to give my stigma to the whole project. Inspired by the Revolutionary & Technological aspect of Futurism, the unreal(cybernetic) view of Surrealism and the never-ending passion I have for Graffiti. I feel that the combination of all these was a great push-up for me to find out more about past and on-going movements and helped me even more to find myself in a way. I got inspired by Giacomo Balla, Truluv Bond and Enrico Gobbo .  


 Water colours, Gouache, Acrylics & Black Pen on Recycled paper.

 Gouache, Water colours & Black pen on Recycled paper.

  Gouache, Water colours & Black pen on Recycled paper.

 Acrylics & Black Pen on Recycled paper.

H Graphite pencil on Recycled paper.

 Gouache, Water colours & Black pen on Recycled paper.

  Gouache, Water colours & Black pen on Recycled paper.

 Acrylics, Enamel, Kerosene Black pen & Computer fan on Canvas.


Acrylics, Black Marker, Aluminium Foil & Computer parts on Metallic Surface.

Acrylics & Black Marker on Baroque Tray. 

Plastic paint & Spray paint on Wall.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sem 2 Exploration of Materials, Techniques and Processes

The title says it all about what this module is all about. I tried out techniques and got influenced by both painters and photographers. Saw life in the city from every point of view and concluded to the fact that cities are all rotten to the core, both iconic and psychologically, the reason I ended in believing this is that even in highly populated cities people don't interact with each other, probably because they are afraid, here is the "rot" you just can't trust people anymore. We are loners and there's nothing we can do about it.


Acrylic & Spray paint on Canvas.

Acrylic, Charcoal & Chalk on Canvas.

Acrylic, Enamel & Kerosene on Cardboard.

Wooden prints with Acrylic on Notebook cover.

Acrylic on Cardboard.


Various Wooden prints & a Marker Sketch on Metallic Surface.

Wooden Engraving & Enamel paint.

Candle & Enamel paint.


Enamel Black & Kerosene White on Cardboard.

Acrylics & Charcoal on Canvas.


Clay, Varnish & Kerosene White.

Scrap Spray cans, Wires, Paper duct tape, Transparent plastic wire & Spray paint.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sem 2 Fine Art Practice Studio II (Painting) Reality: Personal Space

Had to paint several places from my own personal reality, I chose my favorite bar and my friends' basement in which we used to hang out a lot during highschool years, these places actually hold a lot more memories than any other place.


Acrylics & Charcoal on Canvas.(the bar)

 Acrylics & Charcoal on Cardboard.(the basement)
Acrylics & Charcoal on Cardboard.(the basement)


 Acrylics on Cardboard.(the basement)
Acrylics on Canvas.(the basement)

I don't feel really good as a painter, the brush still feels too foreign to me. but what gives, trying out my best and hoping for more.