Friday, September 8, 2017

A past blast into the present

I have this belief that you should never forget where you came from. Where your roots dug the ground and set you up for what is about to unfold. They are the ones who guided you when you were trying to break through the eggshell, like it or not. I started with graffiti as a teenage rebel, it was the supplier of an explosive drug called adrenaline. It has since then become a part of my culture, one of my many escapes and one trustworthy companion. Even though now I rarely paint, it is still one of the things that can soothe my mind.

During this summer I started painting again. I was supposedly going to be painting once a week, but time had other plans. During these legal excursions I attempted on some stopmotion videos showing the process of the urban art.

The last video is of a graffiti installation I did for the audiovisual exhibition "Depth Elevation - Urbansphere: Raw Cuts and Instrumentals". The piece is called "A piece in pieces" for apparent and not reasons. Another belief I have is that to each person we give another piece of ourselves, never the same we gave to another. We treat each person differently as each person is different. It is also a matter of the likeness we have for a person. We are in pieces and the people we meet are the ones who in the end can assemble us.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Everyone has a piece of the puzzle. Ούλλοι έχουν ένα κομμάτι του παζλ.

Voluntary piece on table for the one and only Savino Rock Bar in Larnaca. 
A combination of enamel and acrylic paints, xylene and ink markers, and pen.
Gloss finish varnish.

The depiction of the puzzle of ones sole mind. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle, altogether you can assemble it. Each person is allowed to receive only a limited amount of pieces, this is only due to the affection that person has for the other, even with negative energy affection. It really does not matter what the emotions are, after all they are simple, primal, and subconscious senses. The piece consists of elements from my every day life and thoughts which amass in the back of my mind, some of those thoughts can be read in the Cypriot dialect at the end of the post, which are also written on the inside of the table's legs. Several easter eggs (secret elements or subliminal messages) are spread all over the table for the curious and thorough observing eye.

Welcome to my World - Καλοσώρισες στον κόσμο μου.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sem 6. Hey, dad. *degree work*

Ten years after my dad’s passing, I had always thought that I had gotten over it. At first, I wanted to depict what I lacked. Memories which have gotten lost in the labyrinth of my mind, and memories which I have never lived. I felt blank. Despite all the negative outcome of this situation however, I wanted to find a way to show how many positives came after. Being forced to live any kind of sorrowful situation, a situation which is inevitable. It prepares you for the next. In the end, I decided I should focus more on the process I went through, the process which I believe most people go through in situations like this. 

Τhe knowledge of the happening of the event. It eats you from the inside, just like mould appears. It will stay there, it will keep growing and always have its toll. Continuing to the part where you seek for things to get your mind off of this. Hobbies mostly. You find ways to escape reality and express yourself. Lastly, you realize that what is done is done and the only thing you should do is keep it in mind and yet move on. A fire in your head. Αs the glass tanks suggest, every individual is fragile both mentally and physically. 

I depicted my life in lines, each line is my mental state in a year. I visualized the event with gaps in the lines, the plastic pipes were broken indicating the passing as the violation of my youth it is. The gaps slowly close and in the end you have a solid pipe with a touch of intense feelings. The last pipe is missing due to the lack of knowledge as to what awaits us right around the corner.

I believe that I was molded by this. It changed my sense of priority. I feel that it has matured me. It somehow changed my way of thinking and as I said before, it prepared me for the next, I am ready for a more realistic and grounded life.

Ioannis Kouzapas

"Human Fragility at its Finest”
Glass, Wood, Gelatin, Glue, Semiliquid petrol, and Found objects,

 *photo by Kosmas Karatzias


Embrace the Ripple”,
Plastic pipes, wood, plastic paint, glass paint, and silicone,

*photo by Kosmas Karatzias


“Ripple Calouposis
Plastic pipes, spray paint, plastic paint, glass paint, and silicone mold,

*photo by Kosmas Karatzias

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sem5, Preparation for Extended Study in Fine Art

 This year I'm going personal, into my deepest thoughts, fears, emotions. the scars that laid there after my dad's passing, how I feel about that, what's the aftermath, the ripples that kept coming. my forgetting and remembering, my great escape, and how I keep standing on my feet. The reasons as of why I want to do everything on my own, even though I need to be pushed for certain things, why I tire myself so much. why I want you to believe in me and why I need me to believe in me more. I'm afraid of changes, but at the same time I love them, I'm shaking. My disappointment in me and I'm not even sure why.
    There's more to be said and more to be written


"First memory", acrylics on canvas, 60x20xm

, acrylics and spray-paint on canvas, 60x20xm


“The inevitable”
, acrylics on canvas, 60x20xm

"Time of Impact"
, acrylics on canvas, 60x20xm

"Denial and Lament"
, acrylics on canvas, 60x20xm

“Great Escape”
, acrylics on canvas, 60x20xm



“Interpersonal perspective”, plaster, plastic, and spray-paint, 52x56x32cm


"A Glimpse of the Door", acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 29,5x25 cm  

"Wide open", acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 29,5x25cm 

"Solid Gateway", acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 29,5x25 cm




“It Struck me like a bullet in the head”, acrylic and plastic paint on unprimed canvas, 185x137cm